1st time kena tahan wad.

Since cuti semester haritu, asyik sakit on off je. Balik-balik tu dah la memang sakit.. Then baik sekejab (itu pun not fully recovered) then sakit balik. And the cycle continues up til now...
It started to get worse last weekend when I was at my hometown Segamat, Johor. Ugh, bila ingat balik memang automatic sesak nafas. To be short, bila malam je bertambah semput & tak boleh nafas and of course I was having a hard time sleeping. So I went to see the doctor, took some gas and got 2 semput medicines along with cough syrup and antibiotic pills.
The next day I went back home..
I finished the medicines in 1 week time but there was just a slight change. I still got some phlegm and coughing. Waaaaargh, first time ubat dah habis tapi still tak baik-baik lagi. And the next morning, mata pulak start naik bengkak due to allergy to ubat apa entah (since dulu tak dapat detect betul2 ubat apa allergic). Lepas tu cepat-cepat pergi Klinik Mediviron dekat rumah, explain dekat doktor-sakit last week, amik ubat, habiskan, tak baik, mata bengkak, bla..bla..blaa.... Then doktor check breathing, dia kata bronchitis sebab kalau asma tak akan ada batuk...? Dia suruh refer to hospital. 
And so I went to Assunta Hospital since kebetulan adik memang dah kena tahan wad dah for few days. End up, I was admitted too.. (Like mama said, family kita ni cuti-cuti Malaysia dekat Hospital Assunta for a week since memang satu family tidur dekat hospital. Mama+daddy+adik were together in one room at level 3, my sister and I were in one room at level 5) A big LOL.

So, 1st time dalam sejarah 18 tahun hidup, kena admit dekat hospital.. I have to say, it was one of my bad dreams. Malam tu je dah kena cucuk 3 kali masa amik darah and 1 kali jarum for dripping yang dok melekat je dekat tangan ni T_T But the worst part bila nurse inject apa entah before pasang drip. Warghhhh sakit wooo, rasa veins dekat tangan macam nak meletup! Like seriously, very the painfulful. Luckily the nurse was very understanding, cakap lembut je suruh tahan sakit sikit, slowkan drip tu and she even gave me a cold gel pack after she knew that it was my 1st time.

My company for 2 nights.

Wahhh, rasa drip tu tak payah cakap lah sakit dia macam mana. Rasa macam nk cabut je lengan time tu. Urat-urat semua rasa nak pecah. Yeap, nak tidur pun susah. But what to do... Siapa suruh sakit. Haha. 
But the best part is MAKAN TIME! Lepas je masuk wad tu ada nurse yang datang hantar makanan (nasi putih with chicken curry and lauk sayur) and terus tanya esok nak makan apa for breakfast, lunch and dinner. Weheee~ bestnyaaa! And masa breakfast memang dia akan hantar tray makanan sekali with menu yang kita kena tick for tomorrow heee.. 

Anyway, memang banyak benda 1st time dapat rasa/lalui macam
-macam mana rasa jadi orang yang terbaring dekat katil hospital
-rasa kena kejut tengah2 malam buta untuk makan ubat/amik gas etc.
-rasa makanan menu orang sakit
-rasa sakit kena cucuk banyak kali
-rasa sakit kena drip antibiotic 
-rasa bercuti satu family dekat hospital
-rasa apa lagi?.... 

1st time experiencing this cool traditional inhaler.
(The herbal taste was quite strong and minty though) 

Despite all the difficulties, I've learned that I need to take a good care of myself, sentiasa jaga kesihatan (try to avoid hospital under any circumstances).

18/5/2014 Around 15:00 pm, berakhirnya mimpi ngeri..